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Heimgartner Insurance Inc.

4708 Morningside Ave
Sioux City, IA 51106

Heimgartner Insurance Inc. Blog

Do You Need Motorcycle Insurance Year Round?

If you own a motorcycle in the Sioux City, IA, area, you are likely aware that riding all year round is challenging due to the winter weather, which makes roads icy and dangerous. However, the fact that your bike is parked and stored during harsh weather conditions doesn’t mean you should skip insurance. Heimgartner Insurance, Inc. can answer your motorcycle insurance queries and help give you peace of mind.

Keeping your bike insured, even when not in use, can protect you from other losses, such as theft. The kind of coverage you have for your motorcycle is vital. That’s why it’s important to work with one of our trusted agents who can provide quotes from multiple insurers, making it convenient for you to explore your options and make an informed decision.

If you have any questions regarding a specific policy, we are more than happy to answer them and adjust your policy as necessary. Some policies offer reduced or different types of coverage for a motorcycle in storage, which could be a suitable option if you don’t ride for several months in a year. Regardless of what you choose, it’s crucial that your bike is adequately protected.

Do reach out to us today at Heimgartner Insurance, Inc., if you live in the Sioux City, IA, area and are looking for a motorcycle insurance policy. Our dedicated agents are ready to assist you in securing what best suits your needs and lifestyle, ensuring you are comfortable with the coverage you select.

How to Keep Your Boat Passengers Safe on the Water

Owning a boat is a beautiful way to connect with nature, spend time outdoors, and have fun with friends and family. You must keep your passengers safe to ensure everyone is always having a good time on your boat. Here at Heimgartner Insurance Inc., serving Sioux City, IA, and the surrounding areas, we always want to help customers find ways to cut down on risks. Here are a few tips to increase your boat’s safety. 

Life Jackets for All Passengers

One of the most important things you can do for your passengers is to ensure that everyone on board consistently has appropriately sized life jackets. Boat owners are sometimes tempted to skip this step, especially if they think everyone on board is a strong swimmer. The danger is that a strong swimmer can go into the water, injured or unconscious. In that situation, the individual must have a life jacket on to stay safe until they can be retrieved from the water. 

First Aid Kits

Having a properly stocked first aid kit is another step you can take to ensure your passengers stay safe while on your boat. Accidents happen both out of the water and in the water. A first aid kit will provide you with the proper supplies to handle many injuries until you can get your passenger to land and get further treatment. 

Proper Insurance 

Having your boat adequately insured is one way to protect yourself from expensive liabilities if someone gets injured on your boat. Without insurance coverage, you could face out-of-pocket medical treatment expenses following an injury. 

If you’d like to learn more about boat insurance, please get in touch with us at Heimgartner Insurance Inc., serving Sioux City, IA, and the surrounding areas. 

Get More Liability Coverage With an Umbrella Insurance Policy

Many people have home and auto insurance. These are rather common policies, with various coverage types included in each. However, many home and auto policies don’t carry much liability protection. To increase your liability coverage, you can get an umbrella insurance policy. Contact Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, to obtain insurance.

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance is a complementary policy that works alongside your home and auto policies. It increases the liability protection on both these policies simultaneously. In the event of an accident at your home or involving your vehicle, you could be left with significant damages to pay. If you lack adequate liability coverage, you would personally have to cover any outstanding expenses after your insurance policy has paid its share. These excess costs could be extreme, and you may need to sell off assets to cover them after a severe accident. When an accident occurs, the home or auto insurance comes into play, paying until it reaches its limit. Afterward, your umbrella insurance steps in to cover the balance.

Save Money With Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella policies have very high maximum payouts, but they don’t cost much. It’s significantly less expensive to get an umbrella insurance policy than adding it directly to your home and auto policies. This saves you money while giving you more robust protection against the high cost of medical bills if an accident happens.

Get Umbrella Insurance in Iowa

Call Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, to get your umbrella policy or to learn more about it.

The Role of Comprehensive and Collision Coverage in Auto Insurance

Comprehensive and collision coverages, often overlooked, are crucial for your peace of mind. They pay for repairs to your vehicle after an accident. Collision covers repairs after you have collided with another car, building, tree, fence, or other still objects. Comprehensive (sometimes referred to as ‘other than collision’) takes care of damage to your car caused by incidents such as vandalism, hail damage, theft, fire, flood, tree damage (falling on the vehicle), running into a deer, and more.

Comprehensive and collision aren’t coverages required by Iowa law to operate a motor vehicle in the state legally. However, a lienholder may need additional coverage when leasing or financing your automobile until it is paid off. Even after paying off your vehicle, you may consider carrying comprehensive and collision on your auto insurance to have extra coverage and give you peace of mind when the unthinkable happens. Our licensed agents at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, can help you consider your options and make the best decision.

In Iowa, you are only required by law to carry liability insurance. Liability covers repairs to the property of others and their bodily injuries up to the dollar amount purchased on the policy when you are found liable for causing an accident. However, none of that takes care of your vehicle repairs after an accident where you are found at fault for the accident, nor does it give you the ability to have insurance help with repairs if you’re in a single-car incident. Therefore, having comprehensive and collision insurance to fill these gaps in your coverage can be very useful.

For More Information

For more information on comprehensive and collision coverage, coverage deductibles, and premium details, contact your friendly agents at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA. Call us today at (712) 226-3853. We look forward to speaking with you and helping you meet your auto insurance needs.

The Basics of Term Life Insurance Policies

The two kinds of life insurance, whole life and term life, work very differently from each other. Term life is a popular type of life policy that has its advantages and disadvantages. These policies are popular among people from all walks of life who want to leave something behind for their loved ones. When you have people depending on you, make sure you have life insurance in place. Contact us at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA to get started.

The Policy’s Term

The name of this type of policy comes from the number of years that the policy has stayed good. At the beginning of a term life policy, several years is set for the policy to be in effect. Then, the policyholder has coverage during those years. At the end of the term, the policy expires. After this happens, you have to get a new life insurance policy to become covered again. Unlike a whole-life policy, this type of policy has an apparent lifespan, making some people not want this kind of insurance. It’s a disadvantage, but term life also has a big advantage.

Budget Pricing

One of the reasons so many people choose term life policies is that they are the most affordable type. Term life policies generally come with a lower price tag because they expire and won’t necessarily be there when people get to be elderly. Term life policyholders lock in a low rate while they’re younger and then keep the policy through the end of the term. The less expensive choice in life insurance is often the one that people can afford to include in their budgets. 

Get Term Life Insurance 

When you need a term life policy, we can help. Call Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA.

When is it a good idea to get a classic car insurance plan in Iowa?

Being a classic car owner can be an excellent option for anyone who loves vehicles and classic assets in the Sioux City, IA area. When you buy a classic car, you should also have the right insurance. For classic car owners, this means having a classic car insurance plan instead of a traditional auto plan. There are various situations in which having a classic car insurance policy is a good idea. 

When Value is Expected to Increase

A great situation when you should have a classic car insurance plan is when you expect the car to increase in value. Most auto insurance plans take into consideration that a vehicle will go down in value over the years. However, as classic cars can actually go up over time, you will want an insurance plan that accounts for it. A classic car insurance plan will take this into consideration. 

When Driving a Limited Amount

An advantage of a classic car insurance plan is that it can be curtailed to reflect your actual liability risk. Your liability risk is low as you likely do not drive a classic car frequently. A classic car insurance policy will consider your actual mileage when building a policy and quoting a premium, which could be beneficial. 

If you are in the Sioux City, IA, area and want to get a classic car, you will want to know that you are getting the right insurance for it. If you are looking for a new insurance plan, it would be a great idea to call our team at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. Our professionals know the value of this coverage and can ensure you receive proper support to select a new plan. 

Differences Between Renter’s Insurance and Landlord’s Insurance

At Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, we empathize with the confusion that first-time renters or even seasoned tenants often face when distinguishing between renter’s insurance and landlord’s insurance. Even potential rental property owners could grapple with understanding which type of insurance is required for their property. While there are distinct differences between the two types of insurance, the overlap can make comprehension quite arduous. Our team is committed to outlining these differences for your better understanding.

What Is Renter’s Insurance?

Renter’s insurance is a policy type created with tenants in mind. These policies cover liability, protection against theft or damage to valuables, and other qualifying incidents. Some landlords mandate tenants have renter’s insurance policies, while others merely recommend it as a worthwhile preventive measure.

Differences Between Landlord’s Insurance and Renter’s Insurance

The primary differentiation between these two insurance types is their purpose of protection. If the policy is designed to safeguard the property against damages or criminal activity that directly affects the landlord or during specific events, then it is likely a Landlord’s insurance. On the other hand, Renter’s insurance policies specifically highlight the replacement of stolen items or liability coverage for injuries incurred on the insured premises. If you are a tenant, a renter’s insurance policy would serve you best. However, if you own a rental property, Landlord’s insurance is the more appropriate choice.

Call our team at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. in Sioux City, IA, to learn more about the distinguishing features of these two kinds of insurance policies. We would be delighted to help you decide which is most suitable for you!

Do You Need High-Risk Motorcycle Insurance?

Heimgartner Insurance Inc. writes insurance policies for motorcycle riders in Sioux City, IA, and the whole state. Some of our customers need high-risk motorcycle insurance but don’t know they need it.

Insurance is a Must for All Motorcycle Operators in Iowa

The Iowa Motor Vehicle Financial and Safety Responsibility Act requires all drivers, whether they are driving a car or a motorcycle, to show financial responsibility after an accident.

Some of our customers read the law and conclude that motorcycle operators don’t need insurance.

After all, Iowa law allows motorcyclists to show financial responsibility by:

  • Obtaining a court judgment that they don’t owe any damages.
  • Posting a bond with the Iowa Office of Driver Services.
  • Agreeing to pay the other party’s repair and medical bills on an installment plan.
  • Getting everyone involved in the accident to sign an official release from liability.
  • Documenting full settlement of all charges arising from the accident.
  • Showing proof of Iowa motorcycle insurance.

It’s possible to stay out of jail without Iowa motorcycle insurance, but you must pay your way to show you have met your legal obligations if you don’t have insurance. In some cases, you will need to purchase high-risk motorcycle insurance.

Reasons Some Motorcyclists Need High-Risk Motorcycle Insurance

If your history with motorcycles shows you are likely to file a claim, you may need high-risk motorcycle insurance.

What suggests you are likely to file a claim?

  • You are male and under 25.
  • You have less than three years of riding experience.
  • You have a lot of speeding tickets or tickets for other moving violations.
  • Your credit score is under 600.
  • You have filed two or more claims for accidents in the past.
  • You have multiple traffic tickets or have been arrested for a DUI.
  • You own a super-sport motorcycle (a "crotch rocket") or use your bike in races.

High-risk motorcycle insurance costs more, but Sioux City, IA, area insurance experts at Heimgartner Insurance Inc. can help you find the coverage you need at the best price. Come in to see us about your next policy today!

Here’s Why You Can’t Go Fishing Without Boat Insurance

At Heimgartner Insurance Inc., we’ve seen far too many Sioux City, IA, residents think that they can get by without boating insurance while fishing. That’s a mistake that you simply can’t afford to make. Here’s what you need to know about this issue and ways that insurance can help you out.

Boating Dangers are a Real Issue 

Even if you just own a simple one-person fishing boat, you put yourself at risk every time you go fishing. We don’t want to scare you or go too wild here, but there’s always a risk you’ll run into rocks while fishing. You could even run into other boats and cause serious damage to them.

What happens if you don’t have auto insurance policies and you experience these issues? Unfortunately, you’ll likely have to pay for boating repairs and even health coverage for anyone affected, especially if you caused the crash. Thankfully, boating insurance can minimize this risk.

Why Insurance Helps 

A boating insurance policy can cover you in these situations and provide the help that you need. It will pay for various types of devastating damage and get your boat in working order more quickly. Just as importantly, it can ensure that your fishing experiences are more relaxing and enjoyable.

Like with auto insurance, there are various coverage levels you can consider here. For example, some may go for comprehensive policies that take care of all boating issues. Others may prefer simpler policies that feel better for their needs. No matter what you want, we can help you.

Let Us Know What You Need

With the help of Heimgartner Insurance Inc, you should find it easier to find good boating insurance policies in Sioux City, IA. We’ll do whatever we can to help you get the support that you deserve. Reach out to our team today to learn more about your options and get the results you need.

Umbrella Coverage Protects Renters, Too!

Most tenants consider renter’s insurance as basic coverage that is a standard choice for wise renters of any age. At Heimgartner Insurance Inc., we tailor insurance to our Sioux City, IA customers’ needs, going beyond basic insurance to provide additional benefits. One of these options for renters is umbrella insurance, coverage that goes beyond basic liability and property coverage at a reasonable cost. It’s not just for those with significant assets, homeowners, and those who risk liability in their activities such as recreation. Still, when you go boating around expensive yachts, are renting while you look for another house with significant funds in the bank, or have other sources of financial exposure, umbrella coverage can be excellent protection.

Umbrella Coverage is Easy to Choose

As an add-on, umbrella insurance is easy to select and generally affordable, so renters can protect their assets and income in the case of liability and benefit from other risk protection as well. It’s increasingly an important option for those with a high income, high rent situation, who need protection even though they’re not traditional homeowners. If your recreational choices or other activities could expose you to higher risks, umbrella coverage can also provide a reasonable way to absorb surprisingly high liability in certain situations. Ask your Heimgartner Insurance Inc representative how this could apply to your lifestyle and provide benefits beyond your renter’s insurance.

Consult With Us

When buying insurance, you can benefit from specific coverage and multi-policy discounts by thinking about your whole financial and insurance picture. Let our experienced agents help you in Sioux City, IA answer your questions about insurance for your life today and planning for the future. We often have suggestions for our clients based on our experience, that get you better protected!

Partner Carriers

  • Aetna
  • Allstate
  • American Modern
  • Condon & Skelly
  • Encompass
  • Farmers Mutual Hail
  • Foremost
  • Grinnell Mutual
  • Humana
  • Liberty Mutual
  • MetLife
  • Mutual of Omaha
  • Progressive
  • Silver Scripts
  • Travelers
  • WellCare